Friday, September 4, 2009

What is a Home Energy Retrofit?

Been in your attic lately? Are you having comfort problems? Do you have high bills?

Do your Ducts Look Like This?

Does your insulation look like this?

Does your equipment look like this?

Would you like your Ducts to look like this?

Do you want your insulation to look like this?

Do you want your Equipment to look like this?

Then you need a home energy retrofit.  I am a performance contractor. 
I can do a comprehensive home energy audit for you to start.  I use thermal imaging, blower door, duct blaster, low-e detector, smoke pencil and many other high-tech tools.  I also do a full Manual J Load Calculation.
I render a comprehensive report for you that shows your current bills, your HERS score, solutions to your problems, a proposal, a full economic analysis showing simple payback, present value of improvements, escallations, net savings and more.
I perform the work and test out with the duct blaster, blower door and thermal camera to make sure I got the results I was looking for.
Sound interesting?  I would love to help!  I will publish additional posts that will explain in detail what all of the terminology means.  Basically I help people solve their comfort and energy problems.
I work for Tex Energy Solutions in Irving, TX.  My cell phone # is 817-538-1202 and my e-mail is  Let me know if I can help!
I do quite a bit of Radio, Television and I am in the paper alot.  I will post when & where to look for me.  Thanks!

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